Teachers learn from the students
as much as the students learn from them.

我們的團隊 Our Team


Spreading the Compassion & Joy of Iyengar Yoga



Tony began his Yoga journey in 2012 when an unknown sickness hit, causing him to lose all his hair in a short time. The then-new Yoga experience gave him a brand new perspective on the missing connection of body and mind and kicked off his journey. Tony is the founder of Light of Yoga and is keen to share the joy of practicing Iyengar Yoga with everyone.

Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher - Level 1 (2021)
Certified Sivananda Yoga Teacher (2018)


Sharing the Benefits of the Practice

詠筑 Yung Chu

詠筑老師教學經歷始於2008年,2010年接觸艾揚格瑜珈,2014投入Peter Scott的師資課程。2017年開始向Lois老師、Shaw Wang老師學習關於孕期主題課程、女性主題課程,完成了Lois Steinberg的孕期以及產後課程、女性經期練習課程(包括經期前後以及特殊病徵)。期望在自己身體上以及學生的回饋裡感受到這份知識的寶貴之處,進而將女性練習的經驗分享給更多人。
Yung-Chu started teaching Yoga in 2008, came across Iyengar Yoga in 2010 and signed up to Peter Scott’s Teacher’s Training in 2014. Since 2017, Yung-Chu has been studying with Lois Steinberg and Shaw Wang on female-related topics including pregnancy, menstruation and more. The tender care and insights from those teachers influenced Yung-Chu greatly and she is keen to share her knowledge and experience to benefit female students.

Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher - Level 1 (2017) 

Practicing for the Body and the Soul


Pearl老師於2009年開始瑜珈教學,跟隨Peter Scott習練艾揚格瑜珈多年,在10多年的師資訓練、資深老師工作坊、印度RIMIY學院的上課經歷裡,體驗到艾式練習的廣度深度。瑜珈最終目的是修行,邀請你和我一起習練、修身修心。
Pearl started teaching Yoga in 2009 and undertook Iyengar Yoga Teacher's Training program with Peter Scott Through her 10-year training, attending senior teacher's workshops and attending RIMYI's classes, she was impressed by the diversity and depth of Iyengar Yoga practice. She believes that Yoga eventually is a step towards spirituality for both the body and the soul. She invites everyone to practice with her and mature together.

Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher - Level 1 (2017) 


曾經在教課與練習當中,頸椎,腰椎,膝蓋都出了狀況, 因緣際會下遇見了艾揚格瑜伽,驚為天人怎麼有如此細嫩,精準到位的瑜伽派別,決定加入Justin Herold及Peter Scott的師資培訓並拿到證照。

何其有幸地又在2014年七月前往艾揚格瑜伽學院Pune總部進修一個月,期間在7/4日與大師近距離一起練習,感受到全身滿滿地正能量加持,永生難忘 ! (隔月8/20日,大師就仙逝了)

我們要先照顧(愛)自己,才能去照顧(愛)別人。健康就是財富!平時不養身,老了養醫生! 讓我們一起來習練瑜伽為健康更加油喔 !

Sami had issues with her neck, lumbar and knees whilst teaching and practicing in her early stages of Yoga and then came across Iyengar Yoga. She was very impressed by the precision and delicate practice method of Iyengar Yoga and subsequently learned from Justin Herold and Peter Scott to become a certified teacher.

Sami was fortunate enough to visit RIMYI for a month in July 2014 and on 4th of July practiced closely to B.K.S. Iyengar and felt his flow of energy which to this date is still so memorable.

Sami encourages everyone to join our practice and maintain health!

Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher - Level 1

Karma Yoga in Action 以行動做公益


Alie 陳淑麗老師是知名演員與模特兒,也是著名熱心公益的慈善大使,長期參與慈濟基金會、董氏基金會等等的公益活動。她的教學方式充滿熱誠,也讓很多學生感受到艾揚格瑜伽的魅力與好處!

Alie is a famous actress and model, and an ambassador known for her charitable work, participating in various NGO’s initiatives. Her teaching style is very pervasive and empowering, allowing the students to experience the appeal and benefit of Iyengar Yoga!

Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher - Level 1


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